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  1. admin says:

    Well, one thing leads to another and a 20′ camper trailer with a leaky roof in need of some TLC presented its self for purchase without breaking the bank. After all, I will use it once or twice a year at best, most likely for travel to Bonneville, so doesn’t have to be fancy, just functional. I have 2 days to make it that.

  2. admin says:

    The GMC Suburban that gave me so much grief on last years Bonneville trip has found a new home providing EMS service to the Forest Fire Fighting Industry in Northern Saskatchewan..
    Naturally, this means a new rig for me.. Well, newer..
    A Ford E350 Super Duty High top van with a 7.3 Turbo Diesel.
    I’ll be providing some details on how to get a cheap and effective hauler when I get back from Speed Week..

  3. admin says:

    Have been adding bits here and there. But today, added a new section under Tech called ‘Cheap Tricks. I’ve only got a few things in so far, with more to come. If you have a ‘Cheap Trick’ that would benefit everyone, please pass it along and we’ll get it added.

  4. admin says:

    Added a few more things in the humor section under tools and auto sections. Make sure you check out the Miniature Engine. Very cool..

  5. admin says:

    Additions to the RACE SAFETY program
    Chapters 3) Safety and 4) Inspections & Liability have been posted

    Remember, a lot of this isn’t rocket science, but, you have to think about it, plan it and prepare for it.
    That is why it’s a PLAN.. To help you think of everything. Then YOU apply it to your situation..

  6. admin says:

    Started the Engine Test Stand project article.
    The stand is well underway, just too many interuptions.
    Hope to have some text and photos up over the next couple days..

  7. Admin says:

    I’ve been adding a little here, a little there, and posting more galleries to the 50th Anniversary 2010 Draggins Car Show.

    As I offer to many at the show, if you have information about your car, send it along and we’ll get the details added.
    I’d love to have collected it all, but, with limited time, over 300 cars, and one set of hands, it is just not possible to collect and write up something about each display. So, send us an email with the info.
    BY ALL MEANS, if you have a few better photos of your display, send them along. Honest, I won’t take offense. The auto focus gave me a little grief, and holding a came3ra at arms length to get past barriers doesn’t always work that good, which is evident by the number of deleted pictures 🙁


  8. admin says:

    Well, complete rebuild of computer and upgrade operating system, and FINALLY identify a driver that was causing a conflict, and the camera is up again.
    Seems good..
    Second camera is ‘half’ installed.
    Fingers crossed..
    Hope to get some work done on the engine stand over the weekend..
    Stay Tuned.. Or perhaps I should say, “Tune In”

  9. admin says:

    Tried to get a second camera up and now I’m back to ground zero..
    Reinstalling EVERYTHING..

  10. admin says:

    Well, it took a replacement of the shop computer, but, it appears the Live streaming video from the shop is working. We’ll see how the reliability side of things goes before I try chasing down the issues with running the second camera, then go from there..

    I’d appreciate a little feed back on the cameras just to be certain the video is getting through in an acceptable fashion.

  11. admin says:

    Was going to build an engine cradle for the V12, then thought a cradle is half way to a test stand, so why not go all the way. So, I’ll be seeing what I can come up with for a stand. Been looking around to see what is out there, and think I’ll combine the best features of a few different ones and see where I end up. Will keep you posted on progress.. Time permitting, I’ll detail the project, and post the plans, naturally, along with a lot of pictures..

  12. admin says:

    Sorry to keep you folks.. Been on a road trip to NY state, then drove down to South Carolina where I spent a little time with Chad Bolles of Jaguar Performance, and long time exotic car buff and drag racer.., then back up through Kentuky, Tennesse, naturally with a swing past Indianapolis.

    Nearly done the spark plug tuning artical. In the interum, I’ve tossed up a little more in the humor category. Might have to make a change there as it’s getting off the humour track and into general interest. But, that’s a future consideration.

  13. admin says:

    I’ve been adding a little here, a little there, and posting more galleries to the 50th Anniversary 2010 Draggins Car Show.

    As I offer to many at the show, if you have information about your car, send it along and we’ll get the details added.
    I’d love to have collected it all, but, with limited time, over 300 cars, and one set of hands, it is just not possible to collect and write up something about each display. So, send us an email with the info.
    BY ALL MEANS, if you have a few better photos of your display, send them along. Honest, I won’t take offense. The auto focus gave me a little grief, and holding a came3ra at arms length to get past barriers doesn’t always work that good, which is evident by the number of deleted pictures 🙁


  14. admin says:

    I’ve got 7 of the photo galleries of the Draggins car show up now, only 5 more to go. Then, I’ll try to finish of the article, and add the information about the cars and competitors.

    Might be a bit of a delay in the latter part as I have a trip to NY State, then likely down to North Carolina before returning.

  15. admin says:

    The beginnings of the article detailing the 50th Anniversary Draggins Rod & Custom Show is up, along with the first of the galleries.
    I’ll try to get at leat one more gallery up each day. There are ove 1000 photos to go through, sort (and discard) as the case may be. Naturally, there3 is more to come on the article as well…

  16. admin says:

    Added a new WELDING section under TECH.
    We’ve started out with information for the MIG & TIG welders, as well as an electrode comparison chart for the Stick welders.
    As always, more to come

  17. admin says:

    The FIRST live camera is up and operational.
    As time permits, additional will be installed.

    There are still a few details to work out to make it reliable as it seems to be a little tempermental.

    Things are a little quiet in the shop at the moment as I try to get all the books caught up to keep the Tax Man happy..

    I’ll add the details of the hardware and software used in this endevour to the Digital World as soon as I can. It’s NOT that big a deal, once you get through all the mystery of the requirements.

  18. admin says:

    Added a new section under Reviews called ‘Digital World’
    Car people, aren’t necessarily computer people. So, hopefully these very brief articles and recommendations will help you survive the harrowing experiences computers can bring into your life.

    Part 1 is done, PC Maintenance.
    More to come..

  19. admin says:

    Part 1) SCOPE of the race safety plan is up.
    Rob may append and modify further as he continues to develop the plan, but, we wanted to give you something to give consideration to to start you going.

  20. admin says:

    The Saskatchewan listing of Car Clubs is up.
    As always, if you can provide additional information on a club, please let us know.

  21. admin says:

    A whole new article is up under TECh – How To Articles detailing glass and metal etching. It’s cheep and surprisingly simple. Plus, you could make a few bucks if you wanted to.

  22. admin says:

    Getting a few of the ‘Fast Cats’ fleshed out. Mainly images and videos at this point, but the text will come as time permits. It’s not an easy task locating GOOD images and video. I’m finding I have clean up to do on quite a bit of what I can locate, and don’t want to waste your time with ‘junk’ video. I’ll be pluggin away on this over the next few days, so keep an eye on it.
    If you happen to know of GOOD video, send me a link if you would.

  23. admin says:


    If you’ve got your butt, strapped into a race vehicle, chances are you have a TON of rules and regulations to adhear to. In the FIRE industry, safety is paramount as one might imagine. I am fortunate in that over the years, I’ve managed to make friends that are leaders in their fields. When it comes to safety, it’s no different. Rob Adams, a leader in the safety industry, has stepped up and is developing a ‘Race Safety Program’ for all of you thinking of, just starting, or having spent years in the race industry. Safety isn’t an accident, it takes planning, training and committment. Rob’s ‘Race Safety Plan’ outline has being placed in the TECH area, and you can use any or all of it as you see fit as the topics are filled out. At the very least, it should start you thinking about the steps to keeping yourself, and your team, safe on your adventures.

  24. admin says:

    Been busy this week, on the WEB SITE for a change..

    As I am looking at a replacement tow vehicle, and being located in Saskatchewan, I am having to navigate through a lot of rules, regulations and the dreaded ‘Inspections’

    In my search for information, I’ve found a few other ‘legalities’ which can impact those of us that ‘personalize’ their vehicles. Sometimes these seemingly minor changes can put you on the wrong side of the law, resulting in the removal of hard earned cash from your pocket, not to mention the waste in time and money making the changes. So, i’ve added these Vehicle Regulations under the TECH tab.

    These are the Saskatchewan Government regulations. They may or may not apply in your region.

    ALWAYS check with your local authority.

  25. admin says:

    Well,Christmas and Newyears are out of the way, so trying to get a few things done around here. Precious little progress on the car of late as the majority of time seems to be going to ‘Seasonal’ activities, or computer and web site issues.
    I’ve managed to get the first 5 provinces of Car Clubs listed. Well, at least the grass roots of them. I’ll get the remaining Provinces up within the next few days hopefully, then, I’ll try to get the missing items filled in.
    If you know of a club that is not listed, or spot an error in the ones that are, please let me know..

  26. admin says:

    Finally got another product review completed.
    If ‘Economy Chrome done at home’ gets your attention, check out the Zinc Electroplating review if you want an economical way to put a protective silvery shine on your parts with out breaking the bank..

  27. admin says:

    Created a whole new section in the humor area called I Fixed It. A regular cornucopia of DIY handywork..

  28. admin says:

    Our ‘Photo Uploader’ has not been working for a while, and was only recently made operational again.. So, we’ll get back on track with getting things onto the site..

  29. admin says:

    Added Trailer Category and the trailer connector wiring schematics for the basic connector types.

    More information to come

  30. admin says:

    More updates to the Bonneville Jaguar 6.0 engine build.
    We’ve selected an engine management system which will control both the fuel injection and the ignition system as well as provide data acquisition for engine analysis.
    Read all about it..

  31. admin says:

    Added information to the 6.o engine build detailing the throttle bodies being used.

  32. admin says:

    Selected the new electronic control system for the ignition and fuel injection on the V12 engine. Details will be added to the engine article soon.

  33. admin says:

    Purchased a new compressor for the shop, so have some ‘plumbing’ to do. The previous compressor, a ‘Black Max’ is up for grabs. Details in Garage Sale

  34. admin says:

    Added a few things under the Humour category in the auto section, and created a Saskatchewan category for a couple video’s I KNOW you’ll enjoy..

  35. admin says:

    More equipment details added under ‘Reviews’, along with the addition of a ‘Power Tools’ category. Some of the most recent additions are not so much specific product reviews as they are general reviews detailing what I use, and why.. But, there is merrit to the mention of a couple specific brands, as well as shopping around. It never huurts to check out auction sites like ebay. Some used things can be had for a fraction of their original cost.. Just don’t be in a rush and you’ll find some excellent deals.

  36. admin says:

    I’ve added an ‘Equipment’ section under the reviews page. I’ve only got a few pieces added so far, but, I have several more to do. Then, I’ll add the ‘Tools’ section, which will contain various power tools.

  37. admin says:

    Information is gradually coming in for the 2010 Events calendar. As soon as I get it, I update the list.

  38. admin says:

    Added more information to the 6.0 engine build information.
    I apologize for the delays in getting information up. Poor weather around here has really slowed my home repairs and upgrades which I MUST get done before the real snow flies.

  39. admin says:

    Added ‘Associated Links’ to the Bonneville Jaguar page. I’ve got more to add yet, most specifically related to the engine build, but I wanted to get the Jaguar related links in for those of you who may be recent additions to the Jaguar world and have not discovered these yet.

    As I move forward with the details of the engine build, I’ll add the related links.

    This ‘Associated Links’ practice will continue as future projects develop.

  40. admin says:

    I’ve been putting together information on the 6.0 V12 race engine build. It’s a bit of an ongoing effort, but, you can drop in and get the gist of the build plan, the specs, and the parts being used.

  41. admin says:

    I’m sure you’ve all noticed a lack of activity around here. Well, it’s not for lack of trying. Suffice to say, replacing all the windows in the house is taking my time. Due to the complete lack of co-operation from the weather, headway has been slow. It has mainly been rainy, and cold,or just rainy, and between rain showers, it’s just been cold and wet..

    That said, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that an apperance at the World Finals in Bonneville is not going to happen. There was always that outside chance, but it’s now to the point that if we tried to get ready, it would be a very questionable effort of dubious quality. So, I’m setting my sights on 2010 which will allow adequate time for preparation.

  42. admin says:

    Bad News (for me)
    Discovered some A$$ thought my XJS convertable should have a cut through the convertable top, which was IMMACULATE up until this.
    GAWD what a crappy string of luck this year has been..

  43. admin says:

    Most of the Bonneville Speed Week article is done. There will be some minor additions, but, the important stuff is there now, so its priority is a little lower. Eventually I’ll get the rest stops article done and will let you know.

  44. admin says:

    I’ve recently added a little under the Bonneville Jaguar project, and plan to
    A) Wrap up the ‘roof panel’ replacement of the sun roof
    B) Get to work on the roll cage
    C) Start filling in details of the new 6.0 liter engine to be used for the ‘REAL’ attempts.
    D) More 5.3 and General Specs info added

  45. admin says:

    Sept 20, 2009: FREE AUTOMOTIVE WEB PRESENCE – We will be setting up a new national domain for all your automotive interests. All non profit Car Clubs and Organizations, will have space made available to them FREE. Email: Tom Mackie Racing

  46. admin says:

    While trying to get the car ready for Bonneville in October, I will try to get things updated once or twice each week. It’s a difficult balance to maintain the place and try to make progress on projects. Not enough hours in the day.

  47. admin says:

    Sept 12, 2009: SORRY, It’s cold and Flu season, and I was on the front line, and started things out right. Suffice to say, I didn’t get much done on the car OR the site. Feeling a little better, so things will be back to normal for the coming week.

  48. admin says:

    TMR NEWS FLASH We are now distributing ESS Fire Suppression Systems . We will be setting up dealers as soon as marketing materials are ready. If you are in Saskatchewan OR ANYWHERE in Canada, Call or email us for your needs. We have systems IN STOCK and ready to go.

  49. admin says:

    A whole category added under ‘Life’ to help keep us all laughing

  50. admin says:

    The Part 1 – Traction Basics article is done and I’m moving onto the next ‘Chapter’. It’s coming along nicely, but, it is a slow process. So far, it’s a basic primer in preparation for the more complicated stuff. I’ll try to add a bit each day, but, I must direct some time towards ‘The Car’ or it will never get done.

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